Meet the Blogger

I’m Christine!

Hi readers! Welcome to this Journey! If you are struggling with Hashimoto’s, Hypothyroidism, or any form of food allergy then I hope you will find inspiration, hope, and joy from this blog:)

Here is a brief list of food allergies I’ve learned to live with! Yeast, Gluten, Dairy, Eggs, Beef, Chicken, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Apples, Oranges & Bananas, and many many more. Over the years I’ve been able to heal my body enough to incorporate some of these foods back into my diet. This journey began with food allergy tests, blood draws and a lot of trial and error.

In 2013, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s (an auto-immune disease) & a LOT of food allergies. It was a very confusing time as I was finishing Middle School and preparing for High School… At this time I was no longer just facing the change of growing up, but also trying to figure out how to eat and still be “normal”. And let’s be honest…at 13 the last thing your mind truly comprehends is taking care of your body and learning what to eat and what NOT to eat.

Flash forward to 2017, when I got incredibly sick. Like stuck at home, physically struggling to get off the couch, constantly having to go to the bathroom, peeing every 5 minutes, & nauseas! The hardest struggle of that year was having every test come back as normal. Although in the long run I am incredibly grateful it wasn’t anything more than it was. But at the time I just wanted answers as to why I was so sick. After close to 10 months of being stuck at home I was diagnosed with IBS – Irritable Bowl Syndrome (And yes, it’s as unpleasant as it sounds). After this diagnosis I narrowed down my diet even more than before, worked on handling my triggers and started taking IBgard (a peppermint capsule) regularly.

By that summer I was able to leave the house and I even ended up going on a 10 day kayaking trip in British Columbia, Canada. To be honest the trip was brutal physically and mentally after being so sick for close to a year, but it was 100% worth it! I believe going on that trip helped me to mentally jump start my body into believing I could get healthy again.

After graduating High School I began to take more interest in my health and eating in ways that supported my body. I began by keeping a food journal and trying different foods at different times. In the last 5 yrs I’ve been able to incorporate; Beef, Corn (a very limited amount as it’s still not a great food for thyroid issues) and every once in a while tomatoes & potatoes. This may seem like a small amount over such a long period of time, but I choose to see it as progress!

Now I’d like to share what I’ve learned with you:) I am not a medical specialist, nutritionist or certified in any way. Everything I share through this blog and my socials is based on the personal challenges I have encountered, overcome or experienced.

All recipes will be Gluten Free, Dairy, Egg & Yeast Free!

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